NodeJS a JS runtime environment.
- Main website
- documentation
- An intro to node.js by Ryan Dahl
- Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active NodeJS versions
by Julia Dizhak
SPA is a webpage that always keeps you on the same page.
On most websites whenever you click a link, the page reloads.
In a single page application, clicking a link keeps you on the same page, but replaces a part of it with the new content.
Examples are things like Mailing systems where you stay on the same page but it just grabs data from pre-loaded stuff.
Build SPA within ngRoute module, ngRoute, uiRoute, $routeProvider
NodeJS a JS runtime environment.
Node Package Manager is a package manager that allows you to install JS libraries that run on node.js.
Package manager is command line interface.
npm init . -> create package.json
npm install gulp (-g)
Bower is a package manager for JS and CSS libraries that run in the browser
bower init . -> create bower.json
bower install jquery --save
bower update
Gulp is a JS task runner, designed to automate (run) common tasks.
A demonstration how to use and install Gulp, the streaming build system.
task(string, function)
.src(string || array)
.watch(string, array)
.parallel() and .series()
gulp.task('css-compile', function () {
return gulp.src('mmp/static/scss/**/*.scss')
.pipe(debug({title: ‘unicorn:'}))
.pipe(autoprefixer({ browsers: ['last 5 versions', ...] }))
.pipe(cleanCss({ compatibility: 'i18'}))
.pipe(rename(function (path) { path.basename += ".min”; }))
JS compile --> json + 'gulp-concat', 'gulp-uglify'
css compile --> 'gulp-sass’, 'gulp-autoprefixer'
image compile --> 'gulp-imagemin’, 'gulp-responsive'
svg compile --> 'gulp-svgmin'
sprites --> 'gulp.spritesmith'
fonts compile: use api from external resource
If you go to you will see the message “while bower is maintained, we recommend using Yarn and Webpack for front-end projects"
build by Django
HTML5 semantic elements: main, section, article, header, footer, nav, aside, figure, fig caption, ...
accessible markup
Accessibility refers to the design of products, devices, services for people with disabilities
The concept of accessible design ensures both
Switzerland - support 4 languages
Strings rendering - trans, blocktrans, context (django specific)
AngularJS works with the long-established technologies of the web (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) to make the development of web apps easier and faster than ever before
We are using angular conventions, style guide from from John Papa