Next-Gen JS

by Julia Dizhak


a history

1996 - first ECMAScript realise by Brendan Eich (in 10 days)

2015 - ES6 released


babel is a JS transpiler

babel playground

JS data types: primitives and references

JS is compatible

compatible table




Forget about var - doesn't repsect block scope

					if (true) {
					   var x = 3;
					console.log(x); // 3 

let is a block scope

						if (true) {
						   let x = 3;
						console.log(x); // ReferenceError: x is not defined


const makes variables immutable

						const obj = { x: 3 };
						obj = 4; // TypeError 

The current best practice is to use const by default (95%) and only use let when you know a variable’s value needs to change.

Arrow functions

						// function declaration and function expression
						function() { ... }
						var myFunction = function() { ... }
						// syntax arrow functions
							const myFunction = () => { ... } // no parametres
							(item) => { ... } or item => { ... }
							(item, key) => { ... }

inside => can omit keyword return

						const multiply = fuction(number) {
							   return number * 2;
						const multiply = (number) => number * 2;
						console.log(multiply(16)); // 32

.map, .filter & =>

						const materials = ['Hydrogen', 'Helium', 'Lithium', 'Beryllium'];
						console.log( => material.length)); // --> [8, 6, 7, 9]

						const filter = [1,2,4] => {
							   return args.filter(el => el === 1)
						console.log(filter) —> [1];


Default functions parametres

						function multiply(a, b = 1) {
							   	return a * b;

						console.log(multiply(5)); // 5
						console.log(multiply(5, 2)); // 10

Template literals: template strings

						const str = `string text`; // use back stick
						// multiline old variant
						var message = 'Multiline \n string'  +
									'Another string';

						// multiline es6
						const markup = `<div class="person">

Template strings: expressions

							let name = 'team';
							`Hi ${name}, Do you know that MoneyPark company age is ${2018-2011} years?`
							  Hi team, Do you know that MoneyPark company age is 7 years?

Template strings: concatenation

							const PATH = '',
							   PARAM_SEARCH = 'query=',
							   DEFAULT_QUERY = 'es6';
							// url ->

Export & import

						// index.html
						<script src="test.js"></script>
						<script src="test1.js"></script>

can split code across multiple JS files - modules.

To access functionality in another file, you need export (to make it available) and import (to get access) statements.


						// default => export default ...;
						const Person = {
							   name: 'Julia'
						export default Person;

						// named => export const someData ...;
						export function setDateSomeTimeAgo() {...}
						export let date =;


						// can import default exports like this:
						import someNameOfYourChoice from './path/to/file.js

						// can import named exports like this:
						import { someData } from './path/to/file.js';
						import { smth as Smth } from './utility.js';
						import * as bundled from './path/to/file.js'

Example of file with imports

						import React, { Component } from 'react';
						import { render } from 'react-dom';
						import { Router, Route } from 'react-router-dom';


						class Developer {
							   name = 'Julia';
							   getName() {
								      return name;

						const dev = new Developer('New is coming');
						console.log(dev.getName()); // New is coming 


Classes: inheritance

						class Human {
							   species = 'human';

						class Developer extends Human {

super and constructor

						class Developer {
							   constructor(lastname) { // executes during initialize
								      super(); // executes parent constructor
								      this.lastname = lastname;
								   getName() {
									      return this.lastname;

Arrays: spread operator

It only consists of three dots: ...

						const devsList = ['Dev1', 'Dev2']
						const newDev = 'New Dev';
						const allDevs = [ ...devsList, newDev];
						console.log(allDevs) // ['Dev1', 'Dev2', 'New Dev']

Objects: spread operator

						const userNames = {first: 'Julia', last: 'Dizhak'};
						const userAge = { age: 16 };
						const user = { ...userNames, ...userAge }
						console.log(user) // {first: 'Julia', last: 'Dizhak', age: 16}


						const array = [1,2,3];
						const [a,b] = array;
						console.log(a); // prints 1
						console.log(b); // prints 2


Interactive classes
