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Zombies in this category are much slower and easier to kill. When first starting the game, especially if this is the first horror game you have ever played, these Zombies will terrify you. Don't worry though, there is only bigger, faster, and more horrific Zombies to come.


  • Slow
  • Easily avoided by climbing atop something
  • Most common type
  • Have occassional burst of energy to lunge


  • Fast, these recently turned survivors can run
  • Do not bite, they use use kick and claw to hurt survivors
  • Drawn by loud noise, like two gun shots in a row or a collapsing roof
  • Virals make a screaming noise when they are in the area, they usually travel in packs of any size from 1-8 depending on the number of survivors in your group.

Gas Tank

  • Harder to kill than Virals or Biters.
  • Gas Tanks were HAZMAT workers before they turned, so they can be easily spotted by their bright outfit, tank, and gas mask.
  • Hitting a Gas Tank in the back will cause their Gas Tank to explode. This will kill them, possibly you, and attract Virals.

Zombies in this category are stronger and harder to kill. They are not impossible, but they can kill you easily if you come at them unaware/unprepared. Sure, shooting rapidly can call in virals. But Zombies in this category already attract virals naturally, so you might as well be packing.


  • Larger & Stronger; About 8 feet tall
  • Slow, but heavy hitter
  • Goons have a rebar with a cement block on the end that they swing as their weapon. (Yes, Zombies can use weapons.)


  • Infected Childern
  • Their screams stun you and attract other Zombies; kill them quickly.
  • Easily killed
  • Often found indoors

Zombies in this final 'Run' category are the most serious and deadly, they only come out at night. If you want to live, run.

'Run' Zombies are not impossible to kill. If it is your first time attempting to attack a Run Zombie, do so right outside of a safe zone and use traps to assit in kills. Stick together, Good Night & Good Luck.


  • Stronger & Faster than ALL OTHERS
  • Special Pounce Attack
  • Identify them by their torn open rib cages, broken bodies and terrifying screeches in the night.
  • UV light will temporarily stun

Night Walker

  • Biters that undergo transformation at night.
  • Can be lethal in large numbers and in cramped spaces.
  • UV light will temporarily stun